(International Standard Level of Education)



ISLED (International Standard Level of Education) is a one-dimensional score for level of education created by Harry B.G. Ganzeboom and Heike Schröder. The methodology used to derive an ISLED score is similar to the one used to construct the International Socio-Economic Index of occupational status [ISEI].


ESS Round 1-4


Overview of ISLED (ESS1234) in pdf


ISLED in ESS (file to match with main ESS data, Round 1-2-3-4)


ESS Round 5-6


Recoding EDULVLb (=ISCED 2011) into ISLED in ESS R5-R6: SPSS recode




Schröder, Heike & Harry B.G. Ganzeboom (2013/2014). "Measuring and Modelling Level of Education in European Societies". European Sociological Review (30,1), 119-136. Published online 29 October 2013. doi 10.1093/esr/jct026. Most recent presentation.


Schröder, Heike (2014). “Levels and Loadings. Two Methods to Improve the Measrurement of Eduacation in Comparative Research”. Amsterdam: VU University [PhD thesis]. With presentation on YouTube.